Auxiliary areas

In Islam, sadaqa is seen as a fundamental element of charity and mutual support. It promotes the spiritual purity of both the giver and the receiver and strengthens solidarity within the community.
In the areas affected by the earthquake disaster, we are continuing our aid to provide water, food, clothing, hygiene articles and other basic needs.
Zakat is a financial obligation and is considered one of the five pillars of Islam. It obliges Muslims to donate a certain proportion of their assets that exceed a set limit over the course of a year to those in need.
Based on the story of Ibrahim and his son Ismail, which is told in the Quran, the concept of qurban symbolises a profound devotion and the willingness to give up everything for a higher purpose. It symbolises a willingness for self-sacrifice and gratitude.
Our efforts to provide water, food, clothing, hygiene kits and other basic necessities to people in conflict crisis areas continue. But the people living in these difficult conditions still need help.
With your general donations, you can not only support a single charitable cause, but also enable all charitable activities organised by our association.
Kumanya is a specially compiled package of food and drink aimed at meeting basic nutritional needs in special situations such as natural disasters, emergencies or long journeys. It usually contains long-lasting, easily consumable and nutritious food.